As we begin a new school year, excitement is in the air.
We have begun a ministry sign up and that seems to be going well as we are getting new people in to help with the weekly tasks of set up and ministry. This is an exciting time as we define roles and put people in new roles to assist in the week to week ministry goals of the church. On the horizon we have planned a Pastor Car Wash in September and the pastors are going to wash our cars. They wanted to show appreciation for all the hard work that each person has put into our VBS and gas buy down events and the week to week work of set up and tear down at our Worship services. Also in September we are doing a food collection drive in our neighborhoods to not only reach in our immediate environment but also collect food for the homeless this fall as well. In October, our year anniversary is fast approaching and that is exciting as well as an outreach in October around Halloween too ! Exciting things are happening here !! Please continue to pray for the ministry and each and every person who works hard to make it happen each week !! But most of all a PRAISE to our Lord and Savior who orchestrates all things !!! VBS was a success !! When you consider success, what do you think of ? Lot's of people? No major mishaps? A smooth, organized experience? Well those are all great and true to an extent but VBS was a success because God showed up !! God was there in our mist and we Got to sup with him and experience him. As you can see by our many videos on Facebook, we also had fun as well, but God was the movie star, and he was the focus !! We had visitors ! We had great workers and help and God Blessed all efforts. On another note, we have now begun a series on service and vision on Sunday mornings. What is service? Is it using your talents for God? absolutely, but it is also being willing to do things you are not always good at as well. It all goes back to, a matter of the heart and are you focused inward on what makes you feel good, and that is all you can see, or do you cast your gaze and hope outward and upward and strive to please God and get a little uncomfortable at times? It's not always the most glamorous, or even satisfying job, but God always blesses and restores, because He is amazing !
As we go into fall, we are planning a food drive and in October we will have our 1 year anniversary, wow, time flies ! Please continue to pray for us as we grow in number and in HIM ! We have a men's Bible study on every other Friday night and a women's study once a month, and those are going well. The men are doing one of the 33 series books and the women are doing the Gideon study by Priscilla Shirer study which is amazing. VBS has began !! We are doing a backyard Bible School at our house and it is themed Agents of truth. We had a few visitors and are expecting more tonight !! God has supplied all of our needs and I want to thank all who have donated towards this effort !! God is good and we want to say an extra special thank you to all the willing hearts working each night to have something great for our children. Our children are our future and our desire is to pour into them ! |
September 2018
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