Our vision for Authentic Life thru Christ comes from something Jesus said during his ministry. In John 10:10 Jesus is quoted saying, "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly." Jesus was talking about you when he said that. He wants you to have life and not just any old life; he wants you to have an abundant life! Abundance, or authenticity as we call it, conjures up images of having all of our needs met and still have plenty left over. When applied to the word life it adds peace, relaxation, and easy living. However, when compared to our own lives these images are often very different than what is really happening day-to-day. Sometimes they are even the polar opposite. So was Jesus lying? Where is this abundance he has promised? what makes life abundant is not the gold, it is Jesus. The answer comes a few chapters later in John Chapter 14. Jesus says, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." Jesus was inviting his disciples then and now to accept a difficult truth, namely, that the only life that is truly overflowing with good (abundance) is the life that is fully lived in, thru, and for Jesus Christ. To find life, the one with extra, we need to abandon our meager dreams of mansions and riches and adopt something far greater. For a glimpse of what that life looks like read Revelation 21, but understand that even when the streets are paved with gold what makes life abundant is not the gold, it is Jesus.
September 2018
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