So I just realized that I did not post our last two meetings, and their topics. Both blogs are still in my drafts, never published. Anyway.... God has been moving mightily in our group and we had an awesome benefit this past Saturday night and raised some funds to help us on our journey. We actually are striving to raise considerable funds to get larger entities to back us. For example one particular church planting network wants us to raise 30, 000 dollars to back us and offer their support for our church. Matter of fact, after discussing it, Danny and I realized that it will take about 30,000 dollars to start off the first year of a church. And yes, that is very little salary included in those figures. We are on mission for God, we want to serve him, establish his church in St. Pete. Minister to others, and disciple others. Not because of who we are, but because of what "he" needs. He needs St. Pete ministered to, just as many places here in the US and around the world need ministering to, if you live in an area where Christians and churches are abundant your blessed, but that is not the case in parts of the US and all around the world. We read in Acts Chapter 11 when Paul and Barnabas helped the church at Antioch and just as they were on mission for God, we too are On mission for God. He will do a great work in St. Pete, Not only is our mission to change the world around us, but infiltrating his love through us like a vessel, and discipling others along the way. As we learned in Acts as that is what Paul and Barnabas did. So in your prayers, pray for us !!! We have a great mission ahead of us, "The Great Commission" ahead of us. But God is good and will sustain us as he has thus far..... God bless you!
September 2018
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