Who is your worst enemy? Is it someone at work? Maybe someone from an estranged relationship? Or is it someone more serious like the devil? Those who stand in the way of our happiness and freedom tend to earn their role as, at the very least, an unwanted obstacle in our lives.
What if I told you that the worst enemy you will ever face is also one of your closest relationships? No, I don't have some special insight into your inner circle, but I do believe that the greatest enemy we will face in our lifetime is not in our workplace. It isn't even the devil. Instead, the greatest enemy to our happiness and freedom is ourselves (Jer. 17:9). When it comes down to it, no matter our lot in life, when we look down at the hole we are in we will find that we are alone and holding the shovel. Because we have all sinned (Rom. 3:20), we all have sabotaged our freedom and become our own worst enemy (Mark 7:21). I can understand that you may be skeptical. After all, if you cannot trust yourself, then who can you trust? However, I implore you to, with your Bible open and your most honest self-reflection, consider the possibility that your heart may not be the best keeper of your needs. You see, even our hearts face the same decaying effects of sin as the world around us. There is still hope though, even though we have found another enemy. Despite the enemies that surround us outside and in, Jesus has already won the war (Ezekiel 36:26, 1 Cor 15:26)! -Devin |
September 2018
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